Small Claims

KDB advocates for clients in small claims with determination and expertise.

In the arena of small claims, our practice is dedicated to delivering accessible and effective legal solutions for individuals seeking resolution to disputes within the Small Claims Court.

Specializing in matters such as breach of contract, debt recovery and property damage, KDB Law guides clients through the entire small claims process. With a focus on efficiency and cost-effectiveness, we aim to provide robust representation, whether advocating for clients during negotiations or presenting cases in court.

Our commitment to client satisfaction is reflected in our hands-on approach, ensuring that individuals facing small claims matters receive personalized attention and strategic counsel tailored to their unique circumstances.

ll claims process. With a focus on efficiency and cost-effectiveness, we aim to provide robust representation, whether advocating for clients during negotiations or presenting cases in court.

Our commitment to client satisfaction is reflected in our hands-on approach, ensuring that individuals facing small claims matters receive personalized attention and strategic counsel tailored to their unique circumstances.

Contact a Small Claims Paralegal

Let’s start a conversation about your unique situation, understand your needs and explore how we can advocate for your best interests. Reach out today, and let us be your trusted partners on the path to resolution.

Our Address

14 Erie Street
Stratford, ON

How to Reach Us

[email protected]